Tuesday, November 9, 2010

low blood pressure

Low blood pressure (BP) or hypotension can be just as dangerous as high blood pressure. Some of the common symptoms of low blood pressure are dizziness, fatigue, fainting spells or lightheadedness. Normal blood pressure measurements are 90/60 mm Hg to 130/80 mm Hg.

When blood pressure is too low, the first organ to malfunction is usually the brain. The brain malfunctions first because it is located at the top of the body and blood flow must fight gravity to reach the brain. Consequently, most people with low blood pressure feel dizzy or light-headed, particularly when they stand, and some may even faint. Low blood pressure occasionally causes shortness of breath or chest pain due to an inadequate blood supply to the heart muscle (angina).

Some common causes that lower your blood pressure are dehydration, bradycardia, tachycardia or low intake of salt.

Here are some tips on increasing the blood pressure without medication.
• Low blood pressure caused by dehydration can be treated with fluids or electrolytes. Water increases blood volume which in turn will increase BP.

• Increase salt intake by adding small amounts of salt in your meals everyday. Consult your doctor before starting on a higher salt diet as it can raise BP dramatically.

• Eat small but frequent meals. BP will drop suddenly after a large meal.

• Drink more caffeinated beverages. Caffeine can raise BP by 14mmHg as it can constrict blood vessel

Friday, November 5, 2010

Does soy milk cause constipation?

There is controversy whether soy formula can cause constipation. Some sources are suggesting that it can cause constipation while others suggest that it can ease the condition.

Dr. Jeffrey W. Hull, an Alabama based pediatrician, believes that soy formulas are not considered a good option for infant feeding, because the infant's colon is not designed to handle stool bulk and the residue that results from milk-based and soy-based formulas
Constipation in infants is usually due to an abundance of residue left over in the colon after digestion. Breast milk is almost completely absorbed by a baby and leaves no residue. Formula, on the other hand, is less easily digested by a baby and leaves behind more residues in the colon. Because soybeans do produce firmer stool, the soy formula may cause constipation more frequently than dairy formula; however, the constipation is not necessarily the result of soy formula specifically. The constipation could simply be caused by a switch in formulas in general, since each manufacturer has its own recipe and the levels of different elements will be higher or lower compared to others and each child has different adaptability to different formula. A 1998 study done by the American Academy of Pediatrics concluded that "healthy full-term infants should be given soy formula only when medically necessary, but soy formula is still safe and effective when needed."(taken from eHow.com)

Other than that, some people assumed that the iron content in baby formula is responsible for constipation. However, a study was done to determine if it were true of baby formulas. Half of the babies were fed with low iron, half with regular, constipation was reported at the same rate in both groups, proving that for most children, the formula didn’t make the difference. What is known for sure is that iron is essential for growing babies, so to blame the constipation on the iron levels in the formula, and to subsequently discontinue formula as the baby’s main source of nutrition would be counterproductive.
Obviously, a couple of episodes of constipation will not be too concerning, but if you are finding that your baby is regularly straining to empty his bowels, or that his bowel movements are few and far between, you may seek medical advice. Your doctor is the best person to decide the appropriate course of action. Iron is hugely important in a child’s diet so never take it upon yourself to eliminate it in the hopes of relieving a condition whose cause is not truly known.
(taken from babyslumber.com)